A large-scale Skills Partnership for the space sector dedicated to data, services and applications
The SPACE4GEO Large Scale Partnership wants to leverage on the results of the EO4GEO Blueprint project on space geoinformation and its Sector Skills Strategy, adopting a wider sectoral coverage to embrace not only Earth Observation and geoinformation but also positioning, navigation, secure connectivity as well as the use of data for security and defence, namely the entire so-called downstream segment of space economy.
The Partnership will not operate in isolation, rather in collaboration with other projects and initiatives in the sector, i.e. the Copernicus Academy and Relays, the UNIVERSEH Alliance, the projects ASTRAIOS, STARS*EU and GIS4School, or internationally with the EOTEC
DevNet. The Partnership is also open to support and complement efforts pursued through the Union CASSINI initiative as well as the EU Space academy.
The partnership is promoted within the “Aerospace and Defence” industrial ecosystem and is fully complementary to the existing “Aerospace and Defence Large Scale Partnership” focusing mainly on aeronautics and defence and covering also the manufacturing and infrastructure part of the space economy, the so-called “upstream” segment.
Adhesion to SPACE4GEO
We call all education/training stakeholders in the EO, GIS and Skills sectors to join us in order to establish synergies and collaborate. Be part of SPACE4GEO and let’s discuss and work together on the supply and demand of skills in the space sector.
In order to become member of SPACE4GEO, you should fill in the request form and provide your contact details.
You will be then contacted to start the adhesion procedure, which implies the acceptance and signature of our Network Agreement. Your adhesion will be subject of approval by the Steering Committee. Upon approval of the adhesion you will be a full member of SPACE4GEO, being involved in its activities and having full voting rights in the General Assembly of the members.
Current partners
Keep yourself updated with the latest SPACE4GEO Alliance news
Contact us at secretariat@space4geo.eu
© Copyright 2025 | SPACE4GEO
Image source: ESA / Copernicus