Unlocking Potential, Shaping the Future
SPACE4GEO is a Large-scale Skills Partnership for the downstream segment of space economy dedicated to data, services and applications promoted under the EC initiative Pact for Skills.
SPACE4GEO’s objective is to promote the up-skilling and re-skilling of the workforce, while also attracting new talent to the downstream space and geoinformation sector.
Unlocking Potential, Shaping the Future
SPACE4GEO is a Large-scale Skills Partnership for the downstream segment of space economy dedicated to data, services and applications promoted under the EC initiative Pact for Skills.
SPACE4GEO’s objective is to promote the up-skilling and re-skilling of the workforce, while also attracting new talent to the downstream space and geoinformation sector.
Addressing skills development challenges
The downstream space and geoinformation sector faces a number of challenges, including a gender imbalanced workforce, an aging society and a shortage of relevant skills.
Although a rich offer of academic training exists in universities, the actual offer is often focusing mainly on the upstream part of the space sector, while the downstream part, and especially the different application domains are underrepresented and lag behind the evolving needs of businesses public sector and society at large.
Building a skilled workforce
The Partnership pursues equal and inclusive access to quality training to activate more people for the space sector labour market across different vertical sectors and is committed to help and guide learners in their skilling, upskilling and reskilling efforts.
SPACE4GEO also aims at understanding the evolving needs of the sector, setting up a permanent observatory of skills needs and trying to anticipate future trends according to societal, economic and technological changes/challenges, supporting the implementation of the main EU Space Strategies.
Promoting a wide Sector Skills Strategy
The SPACE4GEO Large Scale Partnership wants to leverage on the results of the EO4GEO Blueprint project on space geoinformation and its Sector Skills Strategy, adopting a wider sectoral coverage to embrace not only Earth Observation and geoinformation but also positioning, navigation, secure connectivity as well as the use of data for security and defence, namely the entire so-called downstream segment of space economy.
Engaging in cooperative efforts
The Partnership will not operate in isolation, rather in collaboration with other projects and initiatives in the sector, i.e. the Copernicus Academy and Relays, the UNIVERSEH Alliance, the projects ASTRAIOS, STARS*EU and GIS4Schools, or internationally with the EOTEC DevNet. The Partnership is also open to support and complement efforts pursued through the Union CASSINI initiative as well as the EU Space academy.
Enhancing the Aerospace and Defence industry
The partnership is promoted within the “Aerospace and Defence” industrial ecosystem and is fully complementary to the existing “Aerospace and Defence Large Scale Partnership” focusing mainly on aeronautics and defence and covering also the manufacturing and infrastructure part of the space economy, the so-called “upstream” segment.
By joining the SPACE4GEO Alliance you will be able to: