AGCC: Agency for Geodesy,Cartography and Cadastre
AGCC: Agency for Geodesy,Cartography and Cadastre
The Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre (AGCC) is the central administrative authority in Republic of Moldova responsible for implementing state policies in the following fields: geodesy, cartography, geoinformatics, and remote sensing, spatial data infrastructure, real estate cadastre and valuation.
AGCC, on behalf of the state, acts as the founder of the Public Institution of Real Estate Cadastre and the State Enterprise Institute of Geodesy, Technical Prospecting, and Cadastre “Ingeocad”.
The mission of the Agency is to develop public policies and specific regulations in its fields of competence, namely: geodesy, cartography, geoinformatics, and remote sensing; spatial data infrastructure; real estate cadastre and valuation. AGCC monitors the quality of policies and regulatory acts by adjusting them to European standards and norms. Additionally, the Agency proposes justified state interventions to provide efficient solutions in its assigned fields of competence.
Brief History:
The Agency was established on July 27, 1994, by Decree No. 230 of the President of the Republic of Moldova. Its primary goal was to develop and promote state policies and strategies in the fields of land relations, cadastre, geodesy, cartography, and soil protection. Furthermore, the authority was tasked with providing updated geodetic, cartographic, and cadastral data for national economic sectors, as well as for the defence and security functions of the state, and creation of the State Cartographic-Geodetic Fund.
The vision of AGCC is centred around creating a modern and efficient framework for the management and use of land, based on transparency, accessibility, and advanced technologies.