GISIG (www.gisig.eu) is a European Association on Geographical Information (www.gisig.eu), validated as a non-profit SME organisation. GISIG has experiences and multidisciplinary skills on GIS tools and its application domains (land planning, risk management, water resources, nature conservation…). Main objectives of the association are: 1) facilitating the technology transfer from research to industry; 2) promoting and developing joint projects on geospatial data and user applications.
The Association promotes and supports:
1) thematic networks of stakeholders and operators in GI and geospatial data application fields;
2) communication and dissemination of project results towards stakeholders and target users;
3) capacity building and training actions (e-learning based) to develop new knowledge on GI and geospatial data applications, to enhance the technology transfer and the uptake of project outcomes.
Since 30 years GISIG has been promoting and coordinating Education and Training and Research and Innovation EU Programmes, by involving large networks of partners and gaining well-recognised experience in managing large scale cooperation projects. That also entailed organizing conferences and training courses in various GI application fields. That also entailed organizing conferences and training courses in various GI application fields. In the last years, GISIG has played the role of Coordinator in the Blueprint project EO4GEO (www.eo4geo.eu) on space geo-information, ended in June 2022. The legacy of EO4GEO gave birth to the EO4GEO Alliance, aiming to build further on the project results and extend the coverage of its activities to the entire space downstream sector. Among the objectives of the EO4GEO Alliance, the promotion of a Large Scale Partnership under the Pact for Skills was included. The LSP has been recently established under the “Aerospace and Defense” ecosystem with the coordination of GISIG (LSP on Space Data, Services and Applications – SPACE4GEO, partnership n. 1227, official launch by the Commission on 25th April 2023) and the SpaceSUITE project is promoted within its framework.