JEODIJITAL is a downstream value-added services company providing earth observation (EO) technologies and geospatial products and services. Established in 2000, JEODIJITAL strive to introduce state of the art and emerging geospatial technologies and know-how to technology users both at the government and industry in support of the decision making processes in the management of natural and mineral resources, and monitoring of the environment. The managing and research director of the company, Dr. Hayati Koyuncu, has more than 25 years of applied experience in general earth scientific research and application of EO, 3D hydro-geological modelling and mapping services.
JEODIJITAL participated and carried out numerous national and international downstream EO and geoscientific projects, including EC funded GEO/GEOSS projects. Considering our extensive experience in remote sensing imagery data products and applications, and as a local/regional player in EO, we are capable of collaborating and undertaking local and international projects related to natural resources and environment especially of Copernicus based downstream applications. Our specialty and services range from EO satellite imagery provision, imagery analytics, and value added processing to the provision of turn-key technical assistance projects, training, capacity building, implementation support and consultancy services.